Kamis, 01 November 2012

lipid of life

fat is organic bond comprising the elements Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O), which has the properties of soluble substances peralut perlarut certain fats (fatty substances peralut). The fat has a high melting point is solid at room temperature, while having a low melting point is fluid. Fats are solid at room temperature while the so-called fat salaries that are liquid at room temperature are called oils. Fats are esters of fatty acids and glycerin. Usually, these substances do not dissolve in water but soluble in fat solvents. The fat solvents are ether, chloroform, benzene, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), xylene, alcohol heat, and hot acetone. Dalah lipid substance that resembles fat, is very important because it is a huge energy savings and as a solvent for vitamins A, D, E, and K. For animals and humans lipids than most. 2.2. Classification of fats / lipids A. Simple Fat Fat is a substance composed of fatty acid esters with alcohols. There are 3 types of fat is simple, namely: 1. Fats are solid at room temperature texture. 2. Oils are liquid at room temperature texture. 3. Candle or night which is a fatty acid esters with alcohols that BM is high (the C chain length). B. Fat Complex (Compound Lipids). These fats are fatty acid ester containing other groups attached to the alcohol. 1. Phospholipids: fatty acid esters and glycerol containing phosphoric acid, nitrogen bases or other substances. 2. Serebrosida (glikolipida): a substance composed of fatty acids with carbohydrates and contain phosphoric acid. 3. Fat more complex: this group includes sulfolipida, amino lipids and lipoproteins. c. Lipid derivatives Derivatives lipid is a substance derived from the hydrolysis of the substances mentioned above, among others: 1. Saturated fatty acids and unsaturated. 2. Alcohol and glycerol. 3. Sterols. 4. Fatty aldehyde. 5. Ketone bodies (ketone bodies). ● Fatty Acids This fatty acid is the result of hydrolysis of fat. In the most natural fatty acids are those containing C atoms bond to form chains even and straight. The distribution of fatty acids 1. Saturated fatty acids (fatty acids satuated) Example: butyric acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, and so on. 2. Unsaturated fatty acids with a single double bond (monounsaturated fatty acids) Example: palmitoleat acid and oleic acid. 3. Unsaturated fatty acids with a double bond / more than one (polyunsaturated fatty acids) Example: linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and the acid arachidonat. 4. Fatty acids containing hydroxyl groups. Example: ricinoleic acid. 5. Cyclic fatty acids Example: kaulmograf acid. ● Alcohol Alcohol is the result of hydrolysis of lipids other than fatty acids, such as glycerol and acetyl alcohol. Acetyl alcohol is the result of hydrolysis of wax / night. The presence of glycerol can be tested with test acrolein. ● Steroids Usually there with fat and can be separated by means lathering, steroids can not react with the lathering. Steroids have a core of cyclo pentane derivatives perhidro fenantren. Some of the most important sterol include cholesterol. This substance is found in many cells, especially nerve tissue and not present in plants. ● Ergosterol Many plants found in yeast and ergot. This substance is a precursor of vitamin D. ● Koprosterol There in the stool as a result of the reduction of cholesterol. ● Other Sterols That includes other sterols are the bile acids, adrenal cortex hormones, sex hormones, vitamin D, and so on. ● Bodies Ketones (Ketone Bodies) This substance is the result of fatty acid metabolism in the body. Some of ketone bodies are present in the body such as acetone, acetic aseto acid, and beta hydroxy butyric acid. ● Triglycerides Triglycerides are esters of fatty acids and glycerol. This substance is much derived from nature. Fatty acids are often kdapatan, including aitu palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid. ● Candle and Night Candles are esters of fatty acids with alcohols other than glycerol has a high import duty. These substances are produced by bees and some plants such as young taro leaves. ● Phospholipids Another name for this class of compounds is fosfogliserida or glycerol fosfatidat. These compounds are composed of glycerol-3-phosphate and the basic framework of fatty acids and alcohols. For alcohol, among others, choline, serine, ethanolamine, inositol, and glycerol. Parent compounds called phospholipids fosfatidat acid. Especially for sphingomyelin present in brain and nerve tissue plasmalogen as much as 10% of the phospholipids found in the brain and muscles. ● Lecithin Lecithin substances containing glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid, and kholin. The function of the cell structure of metabolites. ● Chepalin This substance composition similar to lecithin, anya difference kholin replaced with ethanolamine. ● Serebrosida (glycolipids) Serebrosida contains galactose, fatty acids and many spingosin beratom C (obtained on hydrolysis fatty acid, phosphoric acid, kholin, and complex amino alcohol). This substance is found in many tissues other than the brain. ● Sulfatid Sulfatid sulfate is derived from the residue of serebrosida galatosil. ● Gangliosid Gangliosida is glikolipida are abundant in the brain. This substance contains N-acetyl neuraminat acids, fatty acids, spingosin, and three molecules of hexoses (glucose and galactose). 2.3. The function of fat / lipid The functions of fats / lipids are as follows: a) Sources of Energy Fats and oils are the most dense sources of energy, which produces 9 kcal for each gram, which is 2.5 times the energy produced by carbohydrates and proteins in the same amount. As fat deposits, fat is the body's major energy reserves. Savings come from excessive consumption of any one or combination of substances energy: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Body fat is generally stored as follows: 50% dijaringan under the skin (subcutaneous), 45% around the organs in the abdominal cavity, and 5% dijaringan intramuscularly. b) Sources of Fatty Acids Essesial Fat is a source of essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. c) Fat Vitamin Transport Equipment Fat contains certain fat-soluble vitamins. Milk fat and certain marine fish oil contains vitamins A and D in a number of means. Almost all vegetable oils are good sources of vitamin E. Palm oil contains carotenoids stout (provit. A). helps transport fats and fat absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K. d) Protein saver Conserve fat protein for protein synthesis, so that the protein is not used mainly as a source of energy. e) Member sense Satiety And Delicacy Fat slows gastric acid secretion, and slows gastric emptying, so fats provide satiety longer. Besides the preferred fat texture member and member specialized in food delicacy. f) As a Lubricant Fat is spending the rest of lubricant and helps digestion. g) Maintain Body Temperature Subcutaneous fat layer to isolate the body and prevent loss of body heat quickly, thus fat to function well in maintaining body temperature. h) Protective Organs The layer of fat that surrounds the organs of the body, such as heart, liver, and kidneys help hold these organs are still in place and protect collisions and other hazards. 2.4. Source of fat / lipid According to our source distinguishes fats and animal fats. Vegetable fat derived from food plants, whereas animal fat derived from animals, including fish, eggs and milk. Both types of fat is different in the type of fatty acids which it is composed. Vegetable fat contains more unsaturated fatty acids leading to a lower melting point and room temperature liquid, called fat. Fat contains mainly saturated fatty acids, in particular having a long carbon chain, resulting in a solid form at room temperature.

4 komentar:

  1. in this article Steroids usually there with fat and can be separated by means lathering, steroids can not react with the lathering.why steroids can be separated by means lathering, but steroids can not react with lathering?

  2. i will answer your question..
    Steroids can dipisakan of fat because the fat while lathering need not contain steroids or glycerol fatty acid components and therefore can not undergo saponification.

  3. steroids can not be in the saponification because steroids do not have a requirement glycerol saponification. but it can be separated by saponification. but I am not aware why it can be separated

  4. Steroids are compounds derived perhidroksiklopentanofenantren, so different from the lipids are composed of fatty acids.
    Steroids are usually with fat and can be separated by means lathering, because steroids can not react with the lathering. Steroids have a core derivatives perhidro siklopentano fenantren
