Senin, 05 November 2012

acid and bases organic

Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in the leaves and fruits of plants of the genus Citrus (orange-jerukan). This compound is a good preservative and natural, but used as a flavor enhancer sour on food and soft drinks. In biochemistry, citric acid is known as an intermediate in the citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondria, which is important in the metabolism of living things. This substance can also be used as an environmentally friendly cleaning agent and as an antioxidant. Citric acid is found in many fruits and vegetables, but has been found at high concentrations, which can reach 8% dry weight, the lemon and lime juice (such as lemon and lime). Citric acid is the chemical formula C6H8O7 (structure shown in the tables of information on the right) Physical and chemical properties Physical properties of citric acid are summarized in the table on the right. The acidity of citric acid obtained from three carboxyl groups COOH which can release protons in solution. If this happens, the resulting ion is a citrate ion. Citrate is best used in a buffer solution for pH control. Citrate ions can react with many metal ions to form citrate. At room temperature, citric acid is a white crystalline powder. Crystalline powder can be a form of anhydrous (water-free), or the monohydrate form containing one molecule of water for each molecule of citric acid. Anhydrous forms of citric acid crystallizes in hot water, whereas the monohydrate form obtained from the crystallization of citric acid in cold water. Forms monohydrate can be converted to the anhydrous form by heating above 74 ° C. Chemically, citric acid is a carboxylic acid as the other. If heated above 175 ° C, citric acid decomposes to release carbon dioxide and water. history Citric acid is believed to be discovered by the alchemists Yemen Arab (Iran-born) who lived in the 8th century, Jabir Ibn Hayyan. In the Middle Ages, European scientists discussing the acidic nature of lemon and lime juice; it is recorded in the encyclopedia Speculum Majus (Mirror Great) from the 13th century compiled by Vincent of Beauvais. Citric acid was first isolated in 1784 by Swedish chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, who mengkristalkannya of lemon juice. Manufacture of citric acid industrial scale started in 1860, mainly relying on the production of oranges from Italy. In 1893, C. Wehmer discovered that Penicillium mold to form citric acid from sugar. However, the manufacture of citric acid by microbes in the industry did not exist until World War I screwed citrus exports from Italy. In 1917, the American food chemist James Currie discovered that certain strains of the mold Aspergillus niger to produce citric acid efficiently, and chemical companies Pfizer start industrial-scale production of citric acid that way two years later. manufacture In the process of production of citric acid that is commonly used to date, given the culture of the mold Aspergillus niger sucrose to form citric acid. After the mold is filtered out of the resulting solution, citric acid is isolated by means mengendapkannya with calcium hydroxide to form calcium citrate salts. Citric acid on the regeneration of the calcium citrate with the addition of sulfuric acid. Another way isolation of citric acid from fermentation is the hydrocarbon solvent extraction using organic basic compounds trilaurilamina followed by re-extraction of organic solvents with water usefulness Lemonade, citrus and fruits contain a lot of this kind of citric acid. The main use of citric acid is a substance present giver flavor and preservative of food and beverages, especially soft drinks. Code of citric acid as a food additive (E number) is E330. Citrate with different types of metals are used to provide the metal (as a form of biological) in many dietary supplements. The nature of the citrate buffer solution is used as a controller in the solution pH in household cleaners and pharmaceuticals. The ability of citric acid to metal chelate Why make it useful as a soap and detergent Citric acid is used in the biotechnology industry and medicine to coat (passivate) pipe in the engine instead of the high-purity nitric acid, as nitric acid can be harmful substance after being used for this purpose, while citric acid is not. Citric acid can be added to ice cream to maintain the separation of fat globules. In recipes, citric acid can be used instead of lemon juice. security Citric acid is considered safe for use in food by all national food control agencies and international sites. These compounds are naturally present in all forms of life, and excess citric acid easily metabolized and eliminated from the body. Exposure to dry citric acid or concentrated solution of citric acid can cause skin and eye irritation. The imposition of protective equipment (such as gloves or goggles) to do when handling these materials

6 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. in the article I mentioned that the room temperature, citric acid is a white crystalline powder known citric acid crystals. while the citric acid found in high concentrations in lemon .. My question citric acid crystals can be converted into a lemon .. and lemon fruit can be turned back into citric acid crystals?

    1. I think if it was converted to citric acid of lemon was impossible but what if the content of the content of the lemon because it might be the same - the same acid so it just felt like it could be a lemon but if it is not possible

  3. I think because
    At room temperature, citric acid is a white crystalline powder. Crystalline powder can be a form of anhydrous (water-free), or the monohydrate form containing one molecule of water for each molecule of citric acid. Anhydrous forms of citric acid crystallizes in hot water, whereas the monohydrate form obtained from the crystallization of citric acid in cold water. Forms monohydrate can be converted to the anhydrous form by heating above 74 ° C.
    Chemically, citric acid is a carboxylic acid as the other. If heated above 175 ° C, citric acid decomposes to release carbon dioxide and water. so crystalline citric acid from lemon juice, citric acid was contained in the lemon juice and citric acid crystals can not be turned into a lemon.sorry if wrong :D

  4. I think it is impossible to convert citric acid to be a lemon, but we can change the content in the lemon that contains citric acid into citric acid by certain methods in accordance with nature.

  5. Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in the leaves and fruits of plants of the genus Citrus (orange-jerukan) is acid in the process in such a way that it can crystallize at room temperature. so the citric acid from lemons can be transformed into a crystal, but crystal can not be converted into a lemon
