Selasa, 13 November 2012

mid test organic chemistry 1

name: vina karlina nim: RSA1C111010 1.a. explain how the concept of organic compound from petroleum can be used as a fuel for vehicles such as car ,motor bike,including aircaft? b.explain it how the idea of chemical compounds from petroleum can be used to make clothing and plastic and material needs of other human lives? ANSWER: 1.a.Petroleum is usually located at 3-4 km below sea level. Petroleum is obtained bymaking the well bore. Crude oil gained collected in tankers or flowed through pipes intothe tank station or oil refinery.Crude oil or oil cude commonly known as black viscous liquid and smelled dreadful.Crude oil can not be used as fuel or for other purposes, but must be processed first.Crude oil contains about 500 species of hydrocarbons with the number of atoms C-1through 50. The boiling point of hydrocarbons increases with increasing number of C atoms within the molecule. Therefore, the processing is done through distillation of petroleum-rise, where crude oil is separated into groups (fractions) with a similar boiling point. in general, petroleum processing can be used as fuel for vehicles: a. destilation Distillation is the separation of petroleum fractions based on boiling point differences. At first the crude oil is heated in a pipe flow in the furnace(furnace) until the temperature of ± 370 ° C. Crude oil that has been heated is then entered into the fractionation column in the flash chamber (usuallylocated on the lower third of the fractionation column.) To maintain thetemperature and pressure in the column then assisted heating with steam(steam hot water and high pressure).Petroleum In general, Petroleum Processing is described as follows a.Distillation Distillation is the separation of petroleum fractions based on boiling point differences. At first the crude oil is heated in a pipe flow in the furnace(furnace) until the temperature of ± 370 ° C. Crude oil that has been heated is then entered into the fractionation column in the flash chamber (usuallylocated on the lower third of the fractionation column.) To maintain thetemperature and pressure in the column then assisted heating with steam(steam hot water and high pressure).Crude oil is vaporized in this distillation process climbed to the top of the column and then condensed at different temperatures. Components of a higher boiling point will remain a liquid and falls to the bottom, while alower boiling point will evaporate and rise to the top through the lid-lid lid called a bubble. More over, the temperature contained in the fractionatingcolumn, the lower, so that each time the component with higher boiling point will be separated, while the components that lower the boiling point risesinto the upper part again. So the next so that the components that reach thetop is a component of the gas at room temperature. Gaseous component iscalled petroleum gas, then thawed and called LPG (Liquified PetroleumGas). Crude oil fraction that is not vaporized into the residue. Oil residuesinclude paraffin, wax, and asphalt. These residues have a carbon chain of more than 20. b.Cracking Cracking is the decomposition of hydrocarbon molecules are largemolecules into smaller hydrocarbon compounds. An example of this crackingis the processing of oil or diesel oil into gasoline. This process is primarilyintended to improve the quality and the acquisition fraction of gasoline(petrol). The quality of gasoline is determined by the nature of the anti-knock (knock), which stated in octane number. Numbers given in isooktan 100octane (2,2,4-trimethyl pentane), which has anti-knocking properties arespecial, and the octane number 0 is given in n-heptane which has anti-knock properties that bad. Gasoline being tested will be compared with the mixtureand n-heptane isooktana. Octane number is influenced by multiple molecular structure of hydrocarbons.3.Hydrocracking Hydrocracking is a combination of cracking and hydrogenation to produce a saturated compound. The reaction was carried out at high pressure. Another advantage of this hydrocracking is that thesulfur contained in petroleum is converted into hydrogen sulphidewhich is then separated C.Reforming. Reforming is a change of molecular form of gasoline that is lessgood quality (straight carbon chain) into a better-quality gasoline(branched carbon chain). Both types of gasoline has the samemolecular formula of different forms of structure. Therefore, this process is also called isomerization. Reforming carried out usingcatalysts and heating. Blending process is the addition of additive materials into petroleum fractions in order to improve the quality of the product. Gasoline whichhas various requirements for quality are examples of petroleum productsthe most widely used in barbagai country with a variety of weather. Tomeet the fuel quality is good, there are about 22 materials which canditambanhkan mixing in the processing process. Among the ingredientsmixing well-known is tetra ethyl lead (TEL). TEL serves to increase theoctane number of gasoline. Similarly, a lubricant, in order to obtaingood quality then the process required the addition of additives. Theaddition of TEL to increase the octane number, but can cause air pollution. 1.b. Oil Earth will be processed in oil refineries and the results are split by the boiling point to produce a wide range of fuels, from gasoline and kerosene to asphalt and other chemical reagents needed to make plastics and pharmaceuticals. Oil is used to produce a wide variety of goods and material human needs. 2.explain why the hydrocarbons that are asymmetrical or chiral have a variety of benefit for huvan being,and describe how does it the chiral centers can be formed? ANSWER:an enantioselective reaction is one in which one enantiomer is formed in preference to the other, in a reaction that creates an optically active product from an achiral starting material, using either a chiral catalyst, an enzyme or a chiral reagent. The degree of selectivity is measured by the enantiomeric excess. An important variant is kinetic resolution, in which a pre-existing chiral center undergoes reaction with a chiral catalyst, an enzyme or a chiral reagent such that one enantiomer reacts faster than the other and leaves behind the less reactive enantiomer, or in which a pre-existing chiral center influences the reactivity of a reaction center elsewhere in the same molecule. A diastereoselective reaction is one in which one diastereomer is formed in preference to another (or in which a subset of all possible diastereomers dominates the product mixture), establishing a preferred relative stereochemistry. In this case, either two or more chiral centers are formed at once such that one relative stereochemistry is favored,[3] or a pre-existing chiral center (which needs not be optically pure) biases the stereochemical outcome during the creation of another. The degree of relative selectivity is measured by the diastereomeric excess. Stereoconvergence can be considered an opposite of stereoselectivity, when the reaction of two different stereoisomers yield a single product stereoisomer. The quality of stereoselectivity is concerned solely with the products, and their stereochemistry. Of a number of possible stereoisomeric products, the reaction selects one or two to be formed 3.when ethylene gas produced from a ripe fruit can be used to ripe other fruits that are still do you idea when the gas is used as fuel gas like methane gas? ANSWER :ethylene gas can be used as fuel when we convert ethylene gas tersebun by biodiesel with the help of methane gas 4.aromatic compounds are marked by ease of adjacent electrons conjugted. please explain why an unsaturated compound which highly conjugated but is not aromatic? ANSWER:.occurs because the electrons can spin in the form of a circle of atoms, which alternate between single and double covalent bonds. These bonds can be viewed as a bond hybrid (mix) between a single bond and a double bond, all bonds are the same (identical) with the other bond. Models commonly used aromatic ring, a benzene ring (cyclohexatriena) is formed of six-membered carbon ring with alternating, first developed by KekulĂ©. The model consists of two benzene resonance forms, which describes the single and double bonds covalen an alternate position. Benzene is a more stable molecule than expected regardless of the charge delocalization

Senin, 12 November 2012

mid test organic chemistry 1

nama :vina karlina nim: rsa1c111010 1.a. explain how the concept of organic compound from petroleum can be used as a fuel for vehicles such as car ,motor bike,including aircaft? b.explain it how the idea of chemical compounds from petroleum can be used to make clothing and plastic and material needs of other human lives? 2.explain why the hydrocarbons that are asymmetrical or chiral have a variety of benefit for huvan being,and describe how does it the chiral centers can be formed? 3.when ethylene gas produced from a ripe fruit can be used to ripe other fruits that are still do you idea when the gas is used as fuel gas like methane gas 4.aromatic compounds are marked by ease of adjacent electrons conjugted. please explain why an unsaturated compound which highly conjugated but is not aromatic? answer 1.a.Petroleum is usually located at 3-4 km below sea level. Petroleum is obtained bymaking the well bore. Crude oil gained collected in tankers or flowed through pipes intothe tank station or oil refinery.Crude oil or oil cude commonly known as black viscous liquid and smelled dreadful.Crude oil can not be used as fuel or for other purposes, but must be processed first.Crude oil contains about 500 species of hydrocarbons with the number of atoms C-1through 50. The boiling point of hydrocarbons increases with increasing number of C atoms within the molecule. Therefore, the processing is done through distillation of petroleum-rise, where crude oil is separated into groups (fractions) with a similar boiling point. in general, petroleum processing can be used as fuel for vehicles: a. destilation Distillation is the separation of petroleum fractions based on boiling point differences. At first the crude oil is heated in a pipe flow in the furnace(furnace) until the temperature of ± 370 ° C. Crude oil that has been heated is then entered into the fractionation column in the flash chamber (usuallylocated on the lower third of the fractionation column.) To maintain thetemperature and pressure in the column then assisted heating with steam(steam hot water and high pressure). Kimia: Minyak Bumi Chemistry: Petroleum In general, Petroleum Processing is described as follows a.Distillation Distillation is the separation of petroleum fractions based on boiling point differences. At first the crude oil is heated in a pipe flow in the furnace(furnace) until the temperature of ± 370 ° C. Crude oil that has been heated is then entered into the fractionation column in the flash chamber (usuallylocated on the lower third of the fractionation column.) To maintain thetemperature and pressure in the column then assisted heating with steam(steam hot water and high pressure).Crude oil is vaporized in this distillation process climbed to the top of the column and then condensed at different temperatures. Components of a higher boiling point will remain a liquid and falls to the bottom, while alower boiling point will evaporate and rise to the top through the lid-lid lid called a bubble. More over, the temperature contained in the fractionatingcolumn, the lower, so that each time the component with higher boiling point will be separated, while the components that lower the boiling point risesinto the upper part again. So the next so that the components that reach thetop is a component of the gas at room temperature. Gaseous component iscalled petroleum gas, then thawed and called LPG (Liquified PetroleumGas). Crude oil fraction that is not vaporized into the residue. Oil residuesinclude paraffin, wax, and asphalt. These residues have a carbon chain of more than 20. b.Cracking Cracking is the decomposition of hydrocarbon molecules are largemolecules into smaller hydrocarbon compounds. An example of this crackingis the processing of oil or diesel oil into gasoline. This process is primarilyintended to improve the quality and the acquisition fraction of gasoline(petrol). The quality of gasoline is determined by the nature of the anti-knock (knock), which stated in octane number. Numbers given in isooktan 100octane (2,2,4-trimethyl pentane), which has anti-knocking properties arespecial, and the octane number 0 is given in n-heptane which has anti-knock properties that bad. Gasoline being tested will be compared with the mixtureand n-heptane isooktana. Octane number is influenced by multiple molecular structure of hydrocarbons There are 3 ways in the cracking process, namely: 1.How to heat (thermal cracking), namely with the use of hightemperature and low pressure. 2.Way catalyst (catalytic cracking), namely with the use of catalysts.The catalyst used is usually SiO2 or Al2O3 bauxite. The reaction of cracking catalytic cracking mechanism karbonium ion. At first thecatalyst because it is acidic proton to molecules olevin appends or withdraw the hydride ion from alkanes resulting in the formation of ion karbonium 3.Hydrocracking Hydrocracking is a combination of cracking and hydrogenation to produce a saturated compound. The reaction was carried out at high pressure. Another advantage of this hydrocracking is that thesulfur contained in petroleum is converted into hydrogen sulphidewhich is then separated C.Reforming. Reforming is a change of molecular form of gasoline that is lessgood quality (straight carbon chain) into a better-quality gasoline(branched carbon chain). Both types of gasoline has the samemolecular formula of different forms of structure. Therefore, this process is also called isomerization. Reforming carried out usingcatalysts and heating. D.Alkylation and polymerase Alkylation represents an increase in the number of atoms in a moleculeinto a molecule that is longer and branched. In this process using a strongacid catalyst such as H2SO4, HCl, AlCl3 (a strong Lewis acid). Polymerization is the process of merging small molecules into largemolecules. E.Blending Blending process is the addition of additive materials into petroleum fractions in order to improve the quality of the product. Gasoline whichhas various requirements for quality are examples of petroleum productsthe most widely used in barbagai country with a variety of weather. Tomeet the fuel quality is good, there are about 22 materials which canditambanhkan mixing in the processing process. Among the ingredientsmixing well-known is tetra ethyl lead (TEL). TEL serves to increase theoctane number of gasoline. Similarly, a lubricant, in order to obtaingood quality then the process required the addition of additives. Theaddition of TEL to increase the octane number, but can cause air pollution. 1.b. Oil Earth will be processed in oil refineries and the results are split by the boiling point to produce a wide range of fuels, from gasoline and kerosene to asphalt and other chemical reagents needed to make plastics and pharmaceuticals. Oil is used to produce a wide variety of goods and material human needs. enantioselective reaction is one in which one enantiomer is formed in preference to the other, in a reaction that creates an optically active product from an achiral starting material, using either a chiral catalyst, an enzyme or a chiral reagent. The degree of selectivity is measured by the enantiomeric excess. An important variant is kinetic resolution, in which a pre-existing chiral center undergoes reaction with a chiral catalyst, an enzyme or a chiral reagent such that one enantiomer reacts faster than the other and leaves behind the less reactive enantiomer, or in which a pre-existing chiral center influences the reactivity of a reaction center elsewhere in the same molecule. A diastereoselective reaction is one in which one diastereomer is formed in preference to another (or in which a subset of all possible diastereomers dominates the product mixture), establishing a preferred relative stereochemistry. In this case, either two or more chiral centers are formed at once such that one relative stereochemistry is favored,[3] or a pre-existing chiral center (which needs not be optically pure) biases the stereochemical outcome during the creation of another. The degree of relative selectivity is measured by the diastereomeric excess. Stereoconvergence can be considered an opposite of stereoselectivity, when the reaction of two different stereoisomers yield a single product stereoisomer. The quality of stereoselectivity is concerned solely with the products, and their stereochemistry. Of a number of possible stereoisomeric products, the reaction selects one or two to be formed. 3.ethylene gas can be used as fuel when we convert ethylene gas tersebun by biodiesel with the help of methane gas. 4.occurs because the electrons can spin in the form of a circle of atoms, which alternate between single and double covalent bonds. These bonds can be viewed as a bond hybrid (mix) between a single bond and a double bond, all bonds are the same (identical) with the other bond. Models commonly used aromatic ring, a benzene ring (cyclohexatriena) is formed of six-membered carbon ring with alternating, first developed by KekulĂ©. The model consists of two benzene resonance forms, which describes the single and double bonds covalen an alternate position. Benzene is a more stable molecule than expected regardless of the charge delocalization

Senin, 05 November 2012

acid and bases organic

Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in the leaves and fruits of plants of the genus Citrus (orange-jerukan). This compound is a good preservative and natural, but used as a flavor enhancer sour on food and soft drinks. In biochemistry, citric acid is known as an intermediate in the citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondria, which is important in the metabolism of living things. This substance can also be used as an environmentally friendly cleaning agent and as an antioxidant. Citric acid is found in many fruits and vegetables, but has been found at high concentrations, which can reach 8% dry weight, the lemon and lime juice (such as lemon and lime). Citric acid is the chemical formula C6H8O7 (structure shown in the tables of information on the right) Physical and chemical properties Physical properties of citric acid are summarized in the table on the right. The acidity of citric acid obtained from three carboxyl groups COOH which can release protons in solution. If this happens, the resulting ion is a citrate ion. Citrate is best used in a buffer solution for pH control. Citrate ions can react with many metal ions to form citrate. At room temperature, citric acid is a white crystalline powder. Crystalline powder can be a form of anhydrous (water-free), or the monohydrate form containing one molecule of water for each molecule of citric acid. Anhydrous forms of citric acid crystallizes in hot water, whereas the monohydrate form obtained from the crystallization of citric acid in cold water. Forms monohydrate can be converted to the anhydrous form by heating above 74 ° C. Chemically, citric acid is a carboxylic acid as the other. If heated above 175 ° C, citric acid decomposes to release carbon dioxide and water. history Citric acid is believed to be discovered by the alchemists Yemen Arab (Iran-born) who lived in the 8th century, Jabir Ibn Hayyan. In the Middle Ages, European scientists discussing the acidic nature of lemon and lime juice; it is recorded in the encyclopedia Speculum Majus (Mirror Great) from the 13th century compiled by Vincent of Beauvais. Citric acid was first isolated in 1784 by Swedish chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, who mengkristalkannya of lemon juice. Manufacture of citric acid industrial scale started in 1860, mainly relying on the production of oranges from Italy. In 1893, C. Wehmer discovered that Penicillium mold to form citric acid from sugar. However, the manufacture of citric acid by microbes in the industry did not exist until World War I screwed citrus exports from Italy. In 1917, the American food chemist James Currie discovered that certain strains of the mold Aspergillus niger to produce citric acid efficiently, and chemical companies Pfizer start industrial-scale production of citric acid that way two years later. manufacture In the process of production of citric acid that is commonly used to date, given the culture of the mold Aspergillus niger sucrose to form citric acid. After the mold is filtered out of the resulting solution, citric acid is isolated by means mengendapkannya with calcium hydroxide to form calcium citrate salts. Citric acid on the regeneration of the calcium citrate with the addition of sulfuric acid. Another way isolation of citric acid from fermentation is the hydrocarbon solvent extraction using organic basic compounds trilaurilamina followed by re-extraction of organic solvents with water usefulness Lemonade, citrus and fruits contain a lot of this kind of citric acid. The main use of citric acid is a substance present giver flavor and preservative of food and beverages, especially soft drinks. Code of citric acid as a food additive (E number) is E330. Citrate with different types of metals are used to provide the metal (as a form of biological) in many dietary supplements. The nature of the citrate buffer solution is used as a controller in the solution pH in household cleaners and pharmaceuticals. The ability of citric acid to metal chelate Why make it useful as a soap and detergent Citric acid is used in the biotechnology industry and medicine to coat (passivate) pipe in the engine instead of the high-purity nitric acid, as nitric acid can be harmful substance after being used for this purpose, while citric acid is not. Citric acid can be added to ice cream to maintain the separation of fat globules. In recipes, citric acid can be used instead of lemon juice. security Citric acid is considered safe for use in food by all national food control agencies and international sites. These compounds are naturally present in all forms of life, and excess citric acid easily metabolized and eliminated from the body. Exposure to dry citric acid or concentrated solution of citric acid can cause skin and eye irritation. The imposition of protective equipment (such as gloves or goggles) to do when handling these materials

Kamis, 01 November 2012

protein as a transportation

Protein. Protein is an amino acid sequence (amino acid polymers) long. Amino acids can be distinguished: 1). Amino acids having non-polar R groups (hydrophobic) such as alanine, proline, valine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. 2). Amino acids that have polar R groups and not charged as glycine, serine, threonine, tyrosine, asparagine, and glutamine. 3). Amino acids that have a negatively charged R groups such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid. 4). Having an amino acid R groups such positively charged lysine, arginine, and histidine. Classification of proteins based on physiological functions can be grouped into: 1). As transport and storage. As transport and storage as Contonya is hemoglobin as a carrier of oxygen from the lungs to body tissues, and myoglobin as an oxygen store in the muscle, and some transport proteins in the membrane. 2). As the structural network. As the network structural constituent teeth, bones, skin, tendons, hair, and nails. 3). As a catalyst such as an enzyme. As a catalyst such as an enzyme that is a catalyst of biochemical reactions. 4). As a driver. As the driving force as the contraction and expansion of muscles. 5). As a disseminator of information. As a disseminator of information such as the recipient nerve proteins of nerve impulses, a receptor protein on the cell surface, and the light receptors in vision and photosynthesis. 6). As genetic information. As genetic information as a repressor protein that controls the information derived materials, regulating cell growth and division. Based on their amino acid sequences, proteins can be classified into: 1). Protein is simple. Simple protein that is when it is hydrolyzed into amino acids, such as albumin and globulins. 2). Protein combined. Protein is made up of a combination of amino acids and other compounds such as glycoproteins, nucleoproteins, kromoprotein, lipoproteins, fosfoprotein, and metaloprotein. Classification of proteins based on their structures can be distinguished: 1). Protein primary, for example, consists of a linear amino acid. 2). Protein secondary is made up of hundreds of amino acids form a spiral. 3). Protein tertiary and consists of polypeptides with sulfur. 4). Protein quarter in which two or more of the peptide bond covalently.

lipid of life

fat is organic bond comprising the elements Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O), which has the properties of soluble substances peralut perlarut certain fats (fatty substances peralut). The fat has a high melting point is solid at room temperature, while having a low melting point is fluid. Fats are solid at room temperature while the so-called fat salaries that are liquid at room temperature are called oils. Fats are esters of fatty acids and glycerin. Usually, these substances do not dissolve in water but soluble in fat solvents. The fat solvents are ether, chloroform, benzene, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), xylene, alcohol heat, and hot acetone. Dalah lipid substance that resembles fat, is very important because it is a huge energy savings and as a solvent for vitamins A, D, E, and K. For animals and humans lipids than most. 2.2. Classification of fats / lipids A. Simple Fat Fat is a substance composed of fatty acid esters with alcohols. There are 3 types of fat is simple, namely: 1. Fats are solid at room temperature texture. 2. Oils are liquid at room temperature texture. 3. Candle or night which is a fatty acid esters with alcohols that BM is high (the C chain length). B. Fat Complex (Compound Lipids). These fats are fatty acid ester containing other groups attached to the alcohol. 1. Phospholipids: fatty acid esters and glycerol containing phosphoric acid, nitrogen bases or other substances. 2. Serebrosida (glikolipida): a substance composed of fatty acids with carbohydrates and contain phosphoric acid. 3. Fat more complex: this group includes sulfolipida, amino lipids and lipoproteins. c. Lipid derivatives Derivatives lipid is a substance derived from the hydrolysis of the substances mentioned above, among others: 1. Saturated fatty acids and unsaturated. 2. Alcohol and glycerol. 3. Sterols. 4. Fatty aldehyde. 5. Ketone bodies (ketone bodies). ● Fatty Acids This fatty acid is the result of hydrolysis of fat. In the most natural fatty acids are those containing C atoms bond to form chains even and straight. The distribution of fatty acids 1. Saturated fatty acids (fatty acids satuated) Example: butyric acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, and so on. 2. Unsaturated fatty acids with a single double bond (monounsaturated fatty acids) Example: palmitoleat acid and oleic acid. 3. Unsaturated fatty acids with a double bond / more than one (polyunsaturated fatty acids) Example: linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and the acid arachidonat. 4. Fatty acids containing hydroxyl groups. Example: ricinoleic acid. 5. Cyclic fatty acids Example: kaulmograf acid. ● Alcohol Alcohol is the result of hydrolysis of lipids other than fatty acids, such as glycerol and acetyl alcohol. Acetyl alcohol is the result of hydrolysis of wax / night. The presence of glycerol can be tested with test acrolein. ● Steroids Usually there with fat and can be separated by means lathering, steroids can not react with the lathering. Steroids have a core of cyclo pentane derivatives perhidro fenantren. Some of the most important sterol include cholesterol. This substance is found in many cells, especially nerve tissue and not present in plants. ● Ergosterol Many plants found in yeast and ergot. This substance is a precursor of vitamin D. ● Koprosterol There in the stool as a result of the reduction of cholesterol. ● Other Sterols That includes other sterols are the bile acids, adrenal cortex hormones, sex hormones, vitamin D, and so on. ● Bodies Ketones (Ketone Bodies) This substance is the result of fatty acid metabolism in the body. Some of ketone bodies are present in the body such as acetone, acetic aseto acid, and beta hydroxy butyric acid. ● Triglycerides Triglycerides are esters of fatty acids and glycerol. This substance is much derived from nature. Fatty acids are often kdapatan, including aitu palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic acid. ● Candle and Night Candles are esters of fatty acids with alcohols other than glycerol has a high import duty. These substances are produced by bees and some plants such as young taro leaves. ● Phospholipids Another name for this class of compounds is fosfogliserida or glycerol fosfatidat. These compounds are composed of glycerol-3-phosphate and the basic framework of fatty acids and alcohols. For alcohol, among others, choline, serine, ethanolamine, inositol, and glycerol. Parent compounds called phospholipids fosfatidat acid. Especially for sphingomyelin present in brain and nerve tissue plasmalogen as much as 10% of the phospholipids found in the brain and muscles. ● Lecithin Lecithin substances containing glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid, and kholin. The function of the cell structure of metabolites. ● Chepalin This substance composition similar to lecithin, anya difference kholin replaced with ethanolamine. ● Serebrosida (glycolipids) Serebrosida contains galactose, fatty acids and many spingosin beratom C (obtained on hydrolysis fatty acid, phosphoric acid, kholin, and complex amino alcohol). This substance is found in many tissues other than the brain. ● Sulfatid Sulfatid sulfate is derived from the residue of serebrosida galatosil. ● Gangliosid Gangliosida is glikolipida are abundant in the brain. This substance contains N-acetyl neuraminat acids, fatty acids, spingosin, and three molecules of hexoses (glucose and galactose). 2.3. The function of fat / lipid The functions of fats / lipids are as follows: a) Sources of Energy Fats and oils are the most dense sources of energy, which produces 9 kcal for each gram, which is 2.5 times the energy produced by carbohydrates and proteins in the same amount. As fat deposits, fat is the body's major energy reserves. Savings come from excessive consumption of any one or combination of substances energy: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Body fat is generally stored as follows: 50% dijaringan under the skin (subcutaneous), 45% around the organs in the abdominal cavity, and 5% dijaringan intramuscularly. b) Sources of Fatty Acids Essesial Fat is a source of essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. c) Fat Vitamin Transport Equipment Fat contains certain fat-soluble vitamins. Milk fat and certain marine fish oil contains vitamins A and D in a number of means. Almost all vegetable oils are good sources of vitamin E. Palm oil contains carotenoids stout (provit. A). helps transport fats and fat absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K. d) Protein saver Conserve fat protein for protein synthesis, so that the protein is not used mainly as a source of energy. e) Member sense Satiety And Delicacy Fat slows gastric acid secretion, and slows gastric emptying, so fats provide satiety longer. Besides the preferred fat texture member and member specialized in food delicacy. f) As a Lubricant Fat is spending the rest of lubricant and helps digestion. g) Maintain Body Temperature Subcutaneous fat layer to isolate the body and prevent loss of body heat quickly, thus fat to function well in maintaining body temperature. h) Protective Organs The layer of fat that surrounds the organs of the body, such as heart, liver, and kidneys help hold these organs are still in place and protect collisions and other hazards. 2.4. Source of fat / lipid According to our source distinguishes fats and animal fats. Vegetable fat derived from food plants, whereas animal fat derived from animals, including fish, eggs and milk. Both types of fat is different in the type of fatty acids which it is composed. Vegetable fat contains more unsaturated fatty acids leading to a lower melting point and room temperature liquid, called fat. Fat contains mainly saturated fatty acids, in particular having a long carbon chain, resulting in a solid form at room temperature.